Thursday, June 09, 2005

Does dark matter provide a correct interpretation of long ranged classical electro-weak gauge fields?

For more than two decades one of the basic interpretational challenges of TGD has been to understand how the un-avoidable presence of long range classical electro-weak gauge fields can be consistent with the small parity breaking effects in atomic and nuclear length scales. Also classical color gauge fields are predicted, and I have proposed that color qualia correspond to increments of color quantum numbers. The proposed model for screening cannot banish the unpleasant feeling that the screening cannot be complete enough to eliminate large parity breaking effects in atomic length scales so that one one must keep mind open for alternatives. p-Adic length scale hypothesis suggests the possibility that both electro-weak gauge bosons and gluons can appear as effectively massless particles in several length scales and there indeed exists evidence that neutrinos appear in several scaled variants (hep-ph/0401099) (TGD based model is discussed here ).

1. Long range classical electro-weak and color fields as classical correlates of dark electro-weak bosons and gluons?

This inspires the working hypothesis that long range classical electro-weak gauge and gluon fields are correlates for light or massless dark electro-weak gauge bosons and gluons.
  • In this kind of scenario ordinary quarks and leptons could be essentially identical with their standard counterparts with electro-weak charges screened in electro-weak length scale so that the problems related to the smallness of atomic parity breaking would be trivially resolved.
  • In condensed matter blobs of size larger than neutrino Compton length (about 5 \mum if k=169 determines the p-adic length scale of condensed matter neutrinos) the situation could be different. Also the presence of dark matter phases with sizes and neutrino Compton lengths corresponding to the length scales L(k), k=151,157,163,167 in the range 10 nm-2.5 μm are suggested by the number theoretic considerations (these values of k correspond to so called Gaussian Mersennes). Only a fraction of the condensed matter consisting of regions of size L(k) need to be in the dark phase.
  • Dark quarks and leptons would have masses essentially identical to their standard model counterparts. Only the electro-weak boson masses which are determined by a different mechanism than the dominating contribution to fermion masses (see this and this) would be small or vanishing.
  • The large parity breaking effects in living matter would be due to the presence of dark nuclei and leptons. I have also proposed that super-fluidity corresponds to Z0 super-conductivity: it might be that also super-fluid phase corresponds to dark neutron phase.

2. Conformal confinement and large value of hbar

The basic prediction of TGD based model of dark matter as a phase with a large value of Planck constant is the scaling up of various quantal length and time scales. A simple quantitative model for condensed matter with large value of hbar predicts that hbar is by a factor ≈ 211 determined by the ratio of CP2 length to Planck length larger than in ordinary phase meaning that the size of dark neutrons would be of order atomic size. In this kind of situation single order parameter would characterize the behavior of dark neutrinos and neutrons and the proposed model could apply as such also in this case. Dark photon many particle states behave like laser beams decaying to ordinary photons by de-coherence meaning a transformation of dark photons to ordinary ones. Also dark electro-weak bosons and gluons would be massless or have small masses determined by the p-adic length scale in question. The decay products of dark electro-weak gauge bosons would be ordinary electro-weak bosons decaying rapidly via virtual electro-weak gauge boson states to ordinary leptons. Topological light rays ("massless extremals") for which all classical gauge fields are massless are natural space-time correlates for the dark boson laser beams. In conformally confined phase phase Fermi statistics allows neutrinos to have same energy if their conformal weights are different so that a kind "fermionic Bose-Einstein condensate" would be in question. If both nuclear neutrons and neutrinos are in dark phase, it is possible to achieve a rather complete local cancellation of Z0 charge density.

3. Model for neutrino screening and implications for bio-chemistry

The model for neutrino screening developed in TGD and Condensed Matter was developed years before the ideas about the identification of the dark matter emerged. The generalization of the discussion to the case of dark matter option should be rather trivial and is left to the reader as well as generalization of the discussion of the effects of long range Z0 force on bio-chemistry. For more details see the chapter TGD and Condensed Matter of "TGD and p-Adic Numbers" and Quantum Coherent Dark Matter and Bio-Systems as Macroscopic Quantum Systems of "Genes, Memes, Qualia, and Semitrance". Matti Pitkanen

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