Monday, March 20, 2017

Velocity curves of galaxies flatten for large redshifts

Sabine Hossenfelder gave a link to a popular article "Declining Rotation Curves at High Redshift" (see this) telling about a new strange finding about galactic dark matter. The rotation curves are declining in the early Universe meaning distances about 10 billion light years (see this). In other words, the rotation velocity of distant stars decreases with radius rather than approaching constant - as if dark matter would be absent and galaxies were baryon dominated. This challenges the halo model of dark matter. For the illustrations of the rotation curves see the article. Of course, the conclusions of the article are uncertain.

Some time ago also a finding about correlation of baryonic mass density with density of dark matter emerged: the ScienceDaily article "In rotating galaxies, distribution of normal matter precisely determines gravitational acceleration" can be found here. The original article can be found in (see this). TGD explanation (see this) involves only the string tension of cosmic strings and predicts the behavior of baryonic matter on distance from the center of the galaxy.

In standard cosmology based on single-sheeted GRT space-time large redshifts mean very early cosmology at the counterpart of single space-time sheet, and the findings are very difficult to understand. What about the interpretation of the results in TGD framework? Let us first summarize the basic assumptions behind TGD inspired cosmology and view about galactic dark matter.

  1. The basic difference between TGD based and standard cosmology is that many-sheeted space-time brings in fractality and length scale dependence. In zero energy ontology (ZEO) one must specify in what length scale the measurements are carried out. This means specifying causal diamond (CD) parameterized by moduli including the its size. The larger the size of CD, the longer the scale of the physics involved. This is of course not new for quantum field theorists. It is however a news for cosmologists. The twistorial lift of TGD allows to formulate the vision quantitatively.

  2. TGD view resolves the paradox due to the huge value of cosmological constant in very small scales. Kähler action and volume energy cancel each other so that the effective cosmological constant decreases like inverse of the p-adic length scale squared because these terms compensate each other. The effective cosmological constant suffers huge reduction in cosmic scales and solves the greatest (the "most gigantic" would be a better attribute) quantitative discrepancy that physics has ever encountered. The smaller value of Hubble constant in long length scales finds also an explanation (see this). The acceleration of cosmic expansion due to the effective cosmological constant decreases in long scales.

  3. In TGD Universe galaxies are located along cosmic strings like pearls in necklace, which have thickened to magnetic flux tubes. The string tension of cosmic strings is proportional to the effective cosmological constant. There is no dark matter hallo: dark matter and energy are at the magnetic flux tubes and automatically give rise to constant velocity spectrum for distant stars of galaxies determined solely by the string tension. The model allows also to understand the above mentioned finding about correlation of baryonic and dark matter densities (see this) .

What could be the explanation for the new findings about galactic dark matter?
  1. The idea of the first day is that the string tension of cosmic strings depends on the scale of observation and this means that the asymptotic velocity of stars decreases in long length scales. The asymptotic velocity would be constant but smaller than for galaxies in smaller scales. The velocity graphs show that in the velocity range considered the velocity decreases. One cannot of course exclude the possibility that velocity is asymptotically constant.

    The grave objection is that the scale is galactic scale and same for all galaxies irrespective of distance. The scale characterizes the object rather than its distance for observer. Fractality suggests a hierarchy of string like structures such that string tension in long scales decreases and asymptotic velocity associated with them decreases with the scale.

  2. The idea of the next day is that the galaxies at very early times have not yet formed bound states with cosmic strings so that the velocities of starts are determined solely by the baryonic matter and approach to zero at large distances. Only later the galaxies condense around cosmic strings - somewhat like water droplets around blade of grass. The formation of these gravitationally bound states would be analogous to the formation of bound states of ions and electrons below ionization temperature or formation of hadrons from quarks but taking place in much longer scale. The early galaxies are indeed baryon dominated and decline of the rotation velocities would be real.

See the chapter TGD and Astrophysics of "Physics in Many-Sheeted Space-time" or the article TGD interpretation for the new discovery about galactic dark matter.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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